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NEWS (2020-2021)

WED. | 03-17-21 | NEWS

News Co-Editor Ashley Van Havere describes the recent implementation of a digital literacy unit in social studies courses as a state-wide initiative.

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FRI. | 03-12-21 | NEWS

Co-Editor-in-Chief Tierney Reardon reports on SGA's efforts this year including those meant to recognise the efforts of teachers and staff. 



THURS. | 03-11-21 | NEWS

News Co-Editor Emmie Brooks describes National Honor Society’s newest initiative that allows Rose students to mentor and read over Zoom to younger students at different elementary schools around Pitt County. 

Reading Buddies allow students to connec

WED. | 03-10-21 | NEWS

News Co-Editor Ashley Van Havere reports of the Student of the Year competition and the fundraising students have been doing for the The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. 

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MON. | 03-09-21 | NEWS

Co-Editor-in-Chief Murphy Fisher describes Rose’s recent triumph at Battle of the Books, where the team of 11 placed first in their regional virtual competition on Thursday, Feb. 18.


WED. | 03-03-21 | NEWS

News staff writer Edie Yount covers Rose’s newest course addition which will begin next fall: Welding I. This course will give basic welding training to sophomores, juniors and seniors through hands-on experience.


TUES. | 03-02-21 | NEWS

Staff writer A'niya Clemons reports on the various benefits students gain from involvement in the Tradesformers program.

Tradesformers Info-graphic - A'Nyia Clem

SUN. | 03-01-21 | NEWS

News staff writer Emily Mitchum discusses the recent transitions colleges have had to take with the pandemic in turning to virtual tours and its effect on rising college freshmen.


SUN. | 02-21-21 | NEWS

Co-Editor-in-Chief Tierney Reardon describes the recent Mock Trial regional competition in which one Rose team, the Green team composed of entirely seniors, won and will be moving on to the state competition,on Friday, Mar. 5 and Saturday, Mar. 6.


SAT. | 02-20-21 | NEWS

Features Co-Editor Annie Sullivan reports on Greenville, NC becoming number one of the top twenty cities for relocation in the nation.


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