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Rose basketball highlights
NEWS (2020-2021)
WED. | 5-20-20 | NEWS
At the 2020 Northern NC Regional History Day competition, social studies teacher Stephanie Noles was awarded the Joseph B. Hughes History Day High School Teacher of the Year Award. In this article, staff writer Forbes Hall details Noles's success and love for helping students on their NHD journies.

MON. | 5-18-20 | NEWS
News Co-Editor Ashley Van Havere describes the recent precautions local grocery stores have taken to keep both employees and workers safe during COVID-19. In interviewing junior Jackson Summerlin, Van Havere gives us an inside look at what it's like to work at a grocery store during a pandemic.

THURS. | 4-30-20 | NEWS
Staff writer Savannah Jones shares Rose's theater program's plan to postpone the 2020 musical. In interviewing theater students Brena Gauland and Alicia Delgado, Jones showcases the cast's feelings of heartbreak and disappointment.
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