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Issue 1

September 27th, 2019

Rose welcomes welding course in approaching fall semester

WED. | 03-03-21 | NEWS

SAT. | 10-10-20 | NEWS

     Recently, the decision was made by CTE Director in Pitt County Schools Beth Ann Trueblood and Director of the Welding Program at PCC Keith Kinlaw to implement a new welding class at Rose. Sophomores, juniors and seniors have been given the option to complete this one semester course in the upcoming school year.

     This course is designed for beginners so that students will be learning the mechanics of welding with some hands on welding experience.

     “They are going to get the opportunity to wear welding gear and actually have some hands-on welding experience,” school counselor Christa Monroe said. “It is a beginning course and it opens the door for them to go and gain more experience and take those higher level courses.” 

     The Welding I class will be taught by a Pitt Community College (PCC) instructor who has yet to be determined. Welding demonstrations were held on Rose’s campus and offered four different days; February 17th and 18th and again on February 24th and 25th. They were held in a mobile welding lab outside of Rose given by PCC’s welding program. At the welding 


Graphic by Edie Yount

demonstrations students will get to do hands-on learning which will help them decide if this is something that they are interested in learning more about welding. 

     “With us no longer offering auto next year, we wanted to bring in another Career and Technical Education (CTE) class so this kind of opened the door for this new welding program to come in,” Monroe said.

     Beth Ann Trueblood and Keith Kinlaw discussed Rose’s need for another CTE course and decided to use this opportunity to allow students at Rose to experience something that they may not otherwise have had a chance to do.

     This class is going to be held in a large classroom on the 600 hall at Rose. Once students have completed this course, they will receive the PCC Career and Technical Education credit which will allow them to further their welding experience.

     “The goal is for students who are interested in pursuing that as a career to start here and build the welding program here and once they have finished this welding program, hopefully be able to go and finish up at Pitt,” Monroe said.

     This class is going to be funded by PCC with hopes that these students will eventually continue their welding knowledge through potentially receiving their full welding technology degree following. This degree takes an additional two years.

     Although it is an introductory course, many are hopeful it may inspire some students to look at a career that involves welding craft and techniques.

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