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MON. | 04-04-22 | OPINION

Opinion/Entertainment Staff Writer Safi Waqas evaluates the new Rose lunch passes and discusses the benefits they provide and the concerns that could come with their use.

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MON. | 04-04-22 | OPINION

Opinion Editor Liv Carpenter discusses Russian President Vladimir Putin's actions surrounding the invasion of Ukraine and the concerning similarities to Hitler's invasion of Poland and Stalin's invasion of Finland that they demonstrate.

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SUN. | 04-03-22 | OPINION

Co-Editor-in-Chief William Becker discusses the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the remarkable amount of international unity and support for Ukraine that has resulted.

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FRI. | 04-01-22 | OPINION

Co-Editors-in-Chief William Becker and Emma Hastings give prank ideas for April Fools' Day. April Fools' has extreme potential as a holiday, and they are here to give you the perfect ways to surprise your family and friends.

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TUES. | 03-23-22 | OPINION

Entertainment/Opinion Staff Writer Majkalah Harris discusses the diversity among everyone's lives and how this can lead to a diversity of beliefs, such as religion. She provides her opinion on religions being discriminated against and gives a few examples. 

art club

TUES. | 03-22-22 | OPINION

Entertainment/Opinion Staff Writer Abby Ershadi gives her opinion on how the start of an art club at Rose will help with students being able to express themselves. With students becoming more worried about GPA, they miss out on art, but an art club would fix this.

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MON. | 03-21-22 | OPINION

Entertainment/Opinion Staff Writer Jack Albritton discusses the shortage of faculty at Rose and elsewhere as teachers are retiring or resigning earlier than planned due to stress, especially related to COVID-19.


Rants & Raves

The football team is killing it

Follow William's dog on Instagram

Is The Shining a Christmas movie?

Wear your red scarves

Christmas break is longer, but not long enough

What's with all the JHR Instagram accounts

Some clubs are doing too much

Why is next semester so long

Thank goodness the toilet paper got restocked

Water in bathroom is too cold

Why are the stalls in some of the bathrooms literally 4 feet tall 

Speed bumps behind school are awful

Why do our sports always make it far but never win

Rampant Rants and Raves are contributed by students and do not reflect the opinions of the Rampant Lines staff. Submit rants on Twitter or Instagram @rampantlines or e-mail them to

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MON. | 03-07-22 | OPINION

Co-Editors-in-Chief William Becker and Emma Hastings provide advice on how to maintain a balanced schedule in high school while juggling academics, sports, extracurriculars and self-care.

college advice

SAT. | 03-05-22 | OPINION

Opinion Editor Liv Carpenter gives his advice for seniors on how to choose the best college for them. With decisions coming back, seniors must now make a life-changing decision, and Carpenter is here to guide you to the right choice.

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FRI. | 03-04-22 | OPINION

Entertainment Co-Editor Cecelia Batton gives her thoughts on the Pitt County School Board's decision to make masks optional, which she believes was the correct decision due to it giving students, parents, and faculty the option to choose.

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