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OPINION (2021-2022 1st Semester)

kids vaccine

MON. | 01-10-22 | OPINION

Entertainment/Opinion Staff Writer Edie Yount discusses the new availability of COVID-19 vaccines for children five to eleven years old. With research having proven the vaccine to be safe for this age group, the CDC went ahead and made it possible. 

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SUN. | 01-09-22 | OPINION

Entertainment Co-Editor Liv Carpenter discusses the issue of Rose students who arrive early or leave late having to wait outside the school due to COVID-19 safety protocols, which exposes them to potential harm and dangerous temperatures.

Play Diversity

THURS. | 12-30-21 | OPINION

Entertainment Co-Editor Harry Albritton discusses Rose's 2021 theatre production Aladdin Jr. and praises it for its showcasing of Rose's diverse student body.


WED. | 12-29-21 | OPINION

Opinion Editor Jake Bradsher comments on the verdict made in the case against Kyle Rittenhouse, who was tried for killing two people at a Black Lives Matter protest in Wisconsin in August of 2020. He was found innocent on all charges.

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SUN. | 12-12-21 | OPINION

Co-Editors-in-Chief Emma Hastings and William Becker share their advice on how to prepare for and ace exams, including good study habits and the importance of sleep.

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SAT. | 12-11-21 | OPINION

Entertainment Co-Editor Harry Albritton comments on standardized testing and explains his belief that it is an unfair representation of students’ achievements.

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WED. | 12-08-21 | OPINION

Co-Editor-in-Chief William Becker describes the fatal shooting of 42-year-old cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on the set of Rust this past October and the shortcomings in film set safety that it highlights.


Rants & Raves

The football team is killing it

Follow William's dog on Instagram

Is The Shining a Christmas movie?

Wear your red scarves

Christmas break is longer, but not long enough

What's with all the JHR Instagram accounts

Some clubs are doing too much

Why is next semester so long

Thank goodness the toilet paper got restocked

Water in bathroom is too cold

Why are the stalls in some of the bathrooms literally 4 feet tall 

Speed bumps behind school are awful

Why do our sports always make it far but never win

Rampant Rants and Raves are contributed by students and do not reflect the opinions of the Rampant Lines staff. Submit rants on Twitter or Instagram @rampantlines or e-mail them to

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TUES. | 12-07-21 | OPINION

Entertainment Co-Editor Liv Carpenter discusses the recent levels of unemployment in America and businesses' desperation for workers. Since COVID-19, citizens have been paid unemployment benefits that are often more than wages, so they choose to stay unemployed.

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SAT. | 11-20-21 | OPINION

Conversation at the dinner table on Thanksgiving can get very heated quickly. Lucky for you, Co-Editors-in-Chief William Becker and Emma Hastings have given you solutions to potential problems you could face on this holiday. Use with caution. 

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WED. | 11-17-21 | OPINION

Co-Editor-in-Chief William Becker gives his opinions on why students should take school-related concerns to the school board, rather than complaining to teachers who cannot address them.

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