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NEWS Archive Spring Semester (2021-22) 


FRI. | 07-29-22 | NEWS

Staff Writer Maddie Lanier discusses the NCADA's spring production and its return to Wright Auditorium with interviews from numerous dancers. She then touches on what it takes to put on the show from behind the scenes.

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News Co-Editor A'nyia Clemons discusses Mrs. Williams and her completing the Pitt County School's Teacher Leadership Institute this past year. Clemons goes onto explain what the program consists of and what benefits it gave to Mrs Williams.

FRI. | 07-29-22 | NEWS


THUR. | 07-28-22 | NEWS

Staff Writer Sara Scarborough discusses the recent promotion Mr. Lee was given shifting him into an administrative role. She also includes what steps Mr. Lee took to earn this position.


MON. | 06-13-22 | NEWS

Co-Editor-in Chief Emma Hastings highlights the preparation of prom returning to Rose. 

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MON. | 05-23-22 | NEWS

News Co-Editor A'nyia Clemons discusses how the chorus program readjusts to performing without masks as they got used to them for the past couple of years. 


FRI. | 05-20-22 | NEWS

News Staff Writer Mary-Bennett Billings discusses the Rose orchestra, who performed for a panel of adjudicators in Williamsburg, Virginia on Saturday, May 14 and later visited Busch Gardens.

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FRI. | 05-20-22 | NEWS

Co-Editor-in-Chief Emma Hastings reports on the Rose jazz band's participation in their Jazz Music Performance Adjudication (MPA), as well as the Raise the Barre fundraiser, an event organized by the Relevé Project to raise money for selected dancers who can use it to pay for classes.

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THURS. | 05-19-22 | NEWS

News Staff Writer Maddie Lanier discusses the Rampant Theatrical Company's most recent show "The Addams Family", which ran from Thursday, April 28 through Saturday, April 30.

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THURS. | 05-19-22 | NEWS

News Co-Editor Mary Elizabeth Hutchinson discusses Rose's Exceptional Children (EC) Field Day, which replaced the annual Special Olympics program that was cancelled due to COVID-19.


WED. | 05-18-22 | NEWS

News Staff Writer Amiyah Taft describes Teacher Appreciation Week and the schoolwide efforts that Rose students and clubs took to show appreciation for their teachers.


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