Rose basketball highlights
Issue 1
September 27th, 2019
Students give back to teachers
WED. | 05-18-22 | NEWS
Monday, May 2 through Friday, May 6 was Teacher Appreciation Week, and Rose students and staff took the time to make the week sweeter for teachers. Teacher Appreciation Week is a week to celebrate teachers for their devotion to their jobs and students. The week was first established as a national holiday by the United States Congress in the late 1850s. Now, teacher appreciation is celebrated throughout the week by students and teachers internationally.
Rose Student Government Association (SGA) gifted Rose teachers with a breakfast on Monday, May 2. Teachers were given various breakfast options from doughnuts from Krispy Kreme, Bagelman bagels and much more. SGA also handed out a variety of coupons.
“[The teachers] loved it,” Rose Junior Layne Mills said. “I could tell they were very appreciative and thankful for all of the good breakfast foods we provided.”
Culinary Arts students also showed their appreciation on Tuesday, May 3, by handing out desserts to teachers during Refresh. The treats were individually served in a clear plastic bag tied with blue and green spiral

Photo contributed by Brena Gauland
ribbon to show Rose pride. Teachers had the options of chocolate chip cookies, sugar cookies, peanut butter cookies or brownies.
“I got a peanut butter cookie with M&Ms and it was delicious,” Rose English teacher Alessandra Nysether-Santos said.
Students are not the only ones showing appreciation to teachers this week; restaurants and stores have also joined in on giving back. Restaurants have been giving free entrèes and sides to teachers while stores have been giving discounts on school supplies and electronics.
“It's always very exciting for teachers because we get cool coupons and good deals,” Santos said.
Santos describes Teacher Appreciation Week as a time for teachers to slow down and be appreciated despite some of the hardships that she believes teachers face, such as being underpaid and under-supported.
“While we have a great community here at Rose, it's always nice to get that little extra appreciation,” Santos said.
Even when students are not showing big acts of appreciation, some teachers at Rose still find joy in the little things.
“I feel I get the love all the time,” Santos said. “I have kids who would leave little candies on my desk and help with things, so I feel appreciated.”
Santos says she feels the best thing about teaching is the community and relationships she builds with her students and colleagues, and being able to have the experience of seeing them grow.
“I was just talking to a student about how I've known them since they were a freshman and now how they are about to graduate soon,” Santos said. “I’ve seen them grow so much and I'm so proud of them.”