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“Werewolf by Night” diversifies Marvel Film
Ever since the beginning of phase four of Marvel productions, there has been a consistent release of great movies and shows and they have done a great job introducing new heroes into the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) which follow the events of Endgame. “Werewolf by Night” is an example of a fantastic addition to these Marvel films.
The movie takes place in the ’80s and is centered around a group of monster hunters. After the death of their leader, there is a big free-for-all monster hunt to determine who gets to keep the prized ancient Bloodstone in their possession. The two main characters of the group of hunters, Elsa Bloodstone and Jack Russell, start working together. Instead of pursuing the hunt, they stop the other hunters from hurting the monster being hunted. During this hunt, they encounter an even greater foe.

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This movie is unlike no other Marvel movie. I loved how unique its style is. Even though it took place after the late 80’s, the movie style reflected classic 1940’s monster film qualities. Everything from the camera angles to the music perfectly matched what the movies from that era looked like. Michael Giacchino, the director and the composer did a perfect job by using important aspects from this era of movies to further drive the eerie and spooky tone. This is not the first time Giacchino has used top-tier composure to capture tone in a scene, as he was also the composer for the film “Up”.
One of the most common let-downs when it comes to recent Marvel productions is the virtual effects (VFX) and computer generated imagery (CGI). Since Marvel is required to release a certain amount of projects per year, they don’t have a lot of time to be as careful with effects as they previously were. When I first heard of the new film “Werewolf by Night”, I expected to see a lot of poor animation. I’m glad to say that I was wrong.
The CGI in this film was surprisingly good. The only issue was the werewolf’s appearance, but it wasn’t that bad. It also shocked me when I saw how gory the scenes were. Gore is not something that the MCU dabbles in frequently. The most gore viewers have seen was featured in “Multiverse of Madness”, and it wasn't used to the viewer’s liking. However, they did a great job adding it to this movie. It wasn’t too little, but it also wasn’t too much. The use of gore made the combat scenes more interesting, as the perfect amount of gruesomeness effectively helped show how strong and brutal those beasts were.
Overall, this movie was great. It tried an abundance of new things which were incorporated well. It also did great job of adding aspects into the movie that would never work with other Marvel films. The tone of the movie stayed consistent and was never interrupted by a joke or interaction like it did in previous Marvel movies. In its fifty-five-minute runtime, it did well at building the characters, actions and climax. There wasn’t a moment in time when I was confused about what was going on. It reminded me of classic horror films like “Night of the Living Dead” and “Frankenstein” because of the black and white picture and how consistent the tone was in this film. It’s definitely a great movie to watch on Halloween and is in my top five of phase four Marvel movies.