Rose basketball highlights
Read Across America encourages literacy in elementary schools
WED. | 03-31-21 | NEWS
SAT. | 10-10-20 | NEWS
Read Across America is a day to commemorate Dr. Seuss and it falls on Tuesday, Mar. 2 every year to honor Dr. Seuss’s birthday; March is also designated as National Reading Month. Elementary school students all throughout America, decorate their classrooms, play games and read Dr. Seuss’s books to celebrate. Read Across America is also treated as a reading awareness venture for the advisor and members of the Daring to Role-model Excellence as Athletic Mentors (DREAM) Team at Rose. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 safety guidelines, this program was not able to continue this year at Rose.
Rose DREAM Team advisor Amanda Davis and members of the DREAM Team have previously contributed to this day by taking a club trip to different elementary schools to help spread the love of reading.
“We have a club meeting at Rose in the lecture hall to organize everything, but the actual Read Across America activity takes place at six local elementary schools,” Davis said.
Photo contributed by Amanda Davis

Read Across America is held at local Pitt County elementary schools including Eastern, Elmhurst, South Greenville, Ridgewood, Lakeforest and Wahl-Coates.
“When I became the advisor for the DREAM Team, I decided to continue the tradition of the students going to visit local elementary schools because I had the pleasure of seeing firsthand how wonderful the experience is for both the DREAM Team members and the kids they are visiting,” Davis said.
Davis sees this as an opportunity for the DREAM Team members to interact as leaders with the young kids.
“We have our club meeting to organize everything before going to the schools [and] the DREAM Team members each pick a book from their box that they will want to read to the kids,” Davis said. “It is beneficial to the student-athletes of the DREAM Team because they get to interact with young kids, see what it is like to be an elementary school teacher, and feel what it is like to be a role model for young kids.”
However, the Rose DREAM Team was not able to start up again this year because all of the activities and events they are involved in were cancelled due to COVID-19.
While the DREAM Team's participation has been left out this year, elementary schools across the country were able to continue their own traditions to celebrate Dr. Seuss in Read Across America. However, with COVID-19 restrictions lifting, DREAM Team will be able to be continued next year, and they will be able to do most of their projects, if not all of them, next year.