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Your Daily COVID Updates Podcast
Your Daily COVID Updates, 10:02:20RAMPANT RADIO
00:00 / 04:40

Health prioritized as teachers head all-online
Co-Editor-in-Chief Tierney Reardon reports on the many challenges teachers who have chosen to teach all-online for health reasons have endured.

NAHS designs digital magazine, “ourARTourEyes”
Co-Editor-in-Chief Murphy Fisher details the new endeavor of National Art Honors Society (NAHS), an artistic digital magazine. In order to maintain member participation and remain active amid a pandemic, this virtual creation is meant to showcase both current and former student art, as well as insight from staff members.

Your Daily COVID Updates Podacst
News Co-Editor Ashley Van Havere presents the latest COVID news in the first installment of her and New Co-Editor Emma Hastings' new news podcast series.

Local businesses strive to reopen entering Phase 2.5
News Co-Editor Ashley Van Havere reports on the new changes the Phase 2.5 plan of the governor's “Safer in Home Order” has brought on local businesses in Greenville.

Rose alumni adapt to virtual learning shift
Staff writer, Annie Sullivan, describes the many changes Rose alumni beginning their freshmen years of colleges have had to endure so far.

Rose students medal at FBLA nationals
Staff writer Emma Hastings shares information about the FBLA national competition and the Rose students who placed despite challenges due to the competition being online.

6/8/20 Editor's Cup
In light of recent events, both the 2019-2020 and the 2020-2021 Editors-in-Chief Murphy Fisher, Sarah Porter, Tierney Reardon, and Emily Schmidt created an Editor's Cup featuring the voices of various Rampant Lines staff writers, affirming our newspaper's commitment to inclusivity.

Noles honored at virtual History Day competition
At the 2020 Northern NC Regional History Day competition, social studies teacher Stephanie Noles was awarded the Joseph B. Hughes History Day High School Teacher of the Year Award. In this article, staff writer Forbes Hall details Noles's success and love for helping students on their NHD journies.

Grocery stores remain busy yet cautious amidst global pandemic
News Co-Editor Ashley Van Havere describes the recent precautions local grocery stores have taken to keep both employees and workers safe during COVID-19. In interviewing junior Jackson Summerlin, Van Havere gives us an inside look at what it's like to work at a grocery store during a pandemic.

Governor creates state reopening plan to address COVID-19
Staff writer Micheal Davis details Governor Roy Cooper's Phase 1 and Phase 2 plans for North Carolina, laying out the differences between the two stages. (Photo courtesy of
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