Rose basketball highlights
Issue 1
September 27th, 2019
KEY Party unlocks Senate seat
FRI. | 11-6-20 | NEWS
SAT. | 10-10-20 | NEWS
Every year, Elizabeth Knight’s AP Government and Politics class participates in a mock election to be a United States Senator representing North Carolina. This year the winner of the election was senior Davis Harz with the KEY Party. He persuaded Clay Medlin’s Paideia Civics classes and teacher voters using his platform, debate, campaigning, and personality. The other three candidates were Zach Rogers, Travon Smith and Eyad Thayer. Thayer represented the NO CAP party, Smith represented the Sway party and Rogers represented the SPICE party.
Harz focused on. three major issues concerning education, economy and equality in his campaign. However, most of the voters claimed to be drawn to the fact that Harz made a constant effort to show himself to the voters. These reasons won Harz two teacher votes and the majority of the student votes. Thayer also obtained two teacher votes, but Smith got the most with three teacher votes. Davis also earned 34 students votes, while the runner-up Smith earned 24 student votes.
On Friday, Oct. 30, the four candidates participated in a debate in the lecture hall at 3p.m. Each of the candidates represented their own party. Eyad Thater represented the NO CAP party, Davis Harz represented the Key party, Travon Smith represented the Sway party, and Zach Rogers represented the SPICE party. Each candidate was allowed one member of their team to sit next to them to assist them, and for the first time the debate was moderated by senior Lexi Karaivanova, who also ran Fax News, rather than Knight. Each candidate got the opportunity to ask the other candidates questions regarding their platform and important current topics. Many important topics came up during the debate such as abortion, health care, minumin wage,
Graphics combined by Emma Hastings
police brutality and the education system. Most of the time, the candidates proved to remain civil, respected other candidates' time, and rarely interrupted.
The debate was also available over Zoom, and open for anyone to view. Zoom was the way that most electorates viewed the debate since not everyone could fit in the Lecture Hall while remaining socially distanced. The online aspect created some problems such as technology difficulties. Some viewers were kicked out due to poor Wifi, but Knight recorded the debate for anyone with such problems. In order to keep within COVID-19 guidelines, only five members of each party were allowed into the lecture hall. Each candidate sat a table with their one member and the tables were spaced six feet apart, and everyone wore masks at all times. All candidates dressed to impress wearing a suit and tie.
Despite all the changes that have had to happen this year, one thing that stayed constant was Knight’s AP Government and Politics annual mock election for the US Senate representing North Carolina. This years’ winner was Davis Harz, who represented the KEY Party.