Rose basketball highlights
Issue 1
September 27th, 2019
Key Club, a student-led high school organization based on values of leadership and volunteering, held the first-ever club activity involving pickleball on Sept. 7. This social event aimed to connect with Rose students interested in joining Key Club. “Key Club is an internationally recognized service organization, so our focus is on community service; however, we can do a little bit of everything,” Key Club advisor Molly Chandler said. “We also are looking to build leadership skills among young people through opportunities of creating their own service projects or their own positions as officers or executive members.” Key Club’s vice president of social activities, Maya Swaggerty, proposed the idea of a pickleball social last year as a way to inform Rose students about the club without holding a traditional meeting. “It was a fun way for everybody to get together in a

Photo by Lorian McGillicuddy
non-school environment, and I think because pickleball has gotten so popular, it seemed like a good fit,” Chandler said. “We could all go play, and you don’t have to be good to have fun.”
Chandler believes that the social was a good kickoff to the school year and introduced Key Club to new students.
“We are all about building our club in terms of our memberships, and that was one of our ways to get our name out there and hopefully bring some people that weren’t in the club last year,” Chandler said. “We had about 15 people come, and none of them were returning members, which was really good to see.”
In Key Club’s preparation for the social, they experienced a setback in the original location, Peppermint Park. Due to this conflict, the club decided to move the social to the Elm Street Park courts. Another complication arose when the courts could not be rented or reserved. Key Club members had to wait for courts to become available and save them.
“It wasn’t anything that [Key Club] did, but the park was double booked,” Chandler said.
The club hopes to continue conducting activities that will bring the club together throughout the school year.
“I think the [officers] have some ideas and they’re going to try and do something social at least once a quarter,” Chandler said. “This was our fall kickoff and then they are hoping to do something around the holidays.”
Although Key Club focuses on volunteer and leadership opportunities, they aim to bring more social events to the club's calendar this year.
“We are about service, but we’re also about community and getting together,” Chandler said.