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Schemerhorn shoots for PT degree

FRI| 12-16-22 | SPORTS

     One of the most appealing aspects of Rose is its athletic program. From football to golf and every sport in between, athletes and their achievements are always spotlighted here at Rose. Meanwhile, some students get overlooked in the sports field. These students are the ones who want to pursue sports-related careers like sports medicine, physical therapy (PT) and even coaching.

     For senior Emma Schemerhorn, this is the case. After tearing her ACL playing basketball as an eighth grader, Schemerhorn spent lots of time working with her personal physical therapist. Soon after her recovery, she was considering looking into sports PT when her physical therapist offered her a volunteer position at Kinetic Physical Therapy Clinic. This opportunity gave her a new perspective of all that goes into being a physical therapist.

     “Over the summer I had 40 to 50 hours of medical volunteering that I 

Emma Schemerhorn.HEIC

Photo by Riley Harris 

did at the clinic; just to get a better feel for the field, get some volunteer hours in, and expand my learning,” Schemerhorn said. “When I started volunteering over the summer, I got to look at it from the perspective of [someone] other than a patient.” 

     After spending much of her summer volunteering, she became serious about making sports PT her future career. Schemerhorn and her physical therapist, Adam Gabriel, have worked together to research colleges they think will best benefit her goal. Their top pick is the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, but that’s not her only option.

     “Gabe has been a really great role model for me, he's seen me grow up [and] he’s helped me with my college applications and recommendations,” Schemerhorn said. “If I don’t get into Chapel Hill then I’ll probably pursue Elon, right now I’m just waiting to hear back.”

     Volunteering is not the only thing that is helping Schemerhorn reach her goal. With additional guidance from her aunt, Kelsey Schemerhorn, a neurology physical therapist, she is also taking many medical and health science classes that she hopes will benefit her in the future.

     “I’ve taken biomedical technology, health science one, health science two, and psychology,” Schemerhorn said. “Kelsey has been really helpful, she’s shown me which classes to take and what career paths and options there are as far as PT goes.”

     Through all of Schemerhorn’s hard work to become a sports PT, she is thankful for the support she has from her family and friends. More specifically her parents, who just want to see their daughter do something she loves.

     “My parents are really supportive of virtually anything I want to do with my career, they just want me to do what makes me happy,” Schemerhorn said.

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