Rose basketball highlights
Ron Butler returns to his Rose roots
THURS. | 11-04-21 | FEATURES
Returning to his roots, Ron Butler will be speaking at the Rose Senior Convocation on Oct. 22.
Butler graduated from Rose in 1980 and was the assistant wrestling coach in the early-to-mid 90s.
“That's what got me in this career; I had a good sales job and when I started coaching, I got so much joy out of it,” Butler said. “I decided to do that full time and became a teacher and coach and now I am where I’m at now.”
Butler is currently working for Pitt County Schools (PCS) as the County Athletic Director, Director of Drivers Education and Director of Community Schools and Recreation. He enjoys working there and has learned many things along the way.
“The biggest thing I have learned is that the most pleasure I get from work is when I do something to help others,” Butler said. “When you are doing work that is helping others, it tends to be the most rewarding work.”
After speaking at many different events such as sports banquets, Butler is a rather experienced speaker. He found out that he would be speaking at the Rose Convocation a couple of weeks ago.
“I always look forward to it and am always excited to get a chance to speak, especially to the high school that I graduated from 41 years ago,” Butler said.
Students may not be familiar with the term

Photo contributed by Ron Butler
convocation due to COVID, which prevented it from happening the past two years. Senior convocations are generally a “send-off” for the seniors for the rest of the year.
“It is getting a group together to discuss common goals and outcomes for the year,” Butler said.
Butler has started planning his speech and what it will entail. With his background of working for PCS, he can use some of his experience as a part of his speech.
“I will use my [experience in this job] as a point of reference in my speech, why I have done what I’ve done and parts of the high points and low points of my career,” Butler said.
Butler is still planning his speech but has an idea of what he wants to say.
“I would like to share a lot about being willing to help others and getting joy out of seeing people succeed,” Butler said.
As a 1980 Rose alumni, Butler shares his advice for the 2022 seniors.
“I know everyone always says this, but realize that this life goes quickly,” Butler said. “I am sitting here, holding my grandchild, and I have got my 41-year reunion in two weeks.”
Over the years, Butler has learned an important lesson that many others could relate to.
“I never believed people when they told me how quick this life would be,” Butler said. “You do want to do things and enjoy your life because it does go by fast; If you have got goals and dreams you better go after them, because you don’t have a lot of time to do it.”