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Patton perseveres after internship

WED. | 10-11-22 | FEATURES

     With the start of a new school year comes newly welcomed staff. After facing the intense internship process for an entire year, Curren Patton has finally earned his role as a Civics teacher at Rose. 

     While Patton challenged himself as an intern in AP United States History (APUSH) with Amity Kea, Patton expresses how prepared he feels and how he is excited to project what he learned onto his own students this year.

     “One of the biggest setbacks I faced in the internship process was the amount of content in 


Photo by Perry Eveleth

APUSH,” Patton said. “It was really just a lot trying to get through it all, of course while making it interesting and engaging for the students, it was really a challenge.”

     Not only did Patton conquer a few difficulties throughout his internship, but he felt that it was vital in order to have a successful teaching career. Patton believes the training process was extremely beneficial; he also feels his internship being at Rose prepared him for taking the role of teaching his own class.

     “I just wouldn't be as used to the culture, and I wouldn't know some of the stuff that normal people would know coming into Rose,” Patton said.

     As he was interning for advanced high school classes, Patton had to engage himself so he would be able to learn how to teach successfully. Since that is not an easy task, Patton received a lot of guidance throughout his internship which helped to encourage and assist him throughout this process. Former APUSH teacher, Amity Kea, served as one of Patton’s many mentors to ensure he was prepared for his future career.

     “For the intern process, of course Mrs. Kea and all of the other co-workers in the English and history departments like Mr. Pierce and Liza Knight have been extremely helpful,” Patton said. “Also my East Carolina University professors helped out and the History Program and Education Program.”

     Although Patton's internship had a lasting impact on his teaching career, there were other things Patton did to better prepare himself to become a teacher. He felt that it was vital to take part in anything he could to prepare for himself as well as his students. Patton worked very hard by putting himself out there and hearing from others to establish strong teaching skills.

     “All my classes at ECU kind of helped build up to it, and I also still did some of my own research trying to figure out what exactly best works for me,” Patton said. “Asking other teachers for advice and ideas was also extremely helpful.”

     Patton is passionate about connecting with his students and creating personal connections with them. One of many of Patton's goals is to try his best to engage the students and make learning something they can look forward to. Specifically at Rose, Patton feels that he has already made some special connections with the students as well as the faculty.

     “I really like to get to know the students and I also really like the content, but I want to leave a lasting impact on the students that I teach by engaging them while making it fun,” Patton said.“I also love everyone I work with.”

     Not only is Patton proactive in the classroom, but he also has many other hobbies outside of school to maintain a healthy life work balance. 

     “I like to play sports a lot, I also still coach a little bit in my free time,” Patton said. “Basketball and soccer are two of my favorites and I also enjoy surfing, but beyond that I kind of just hang out.”

      As Patton continues to work hard through the school year, he plans to try and achieve some of his goals including engaging his students, getting more involved in leadership and helping out with different clubs in the Rose community.

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