News Co-Editor A'nyia Clemons reports on the senior cap & gown information session and senior breakfast, as well as how they were unable to take place last year due to COVID-19.
News Staff Writer Savannah Jones discusses the return of Honor Society Inductions after they did not occur last year due to COVID-19. She also walks through the history of the event and how it became the ceremony it is today.
News Co-Editor Eleanor Blount describes Rose's new exam policy, which many students and teachers appreciate due to its more lenient and motivational nature.
Co-Editor-in-Chief Emma Hastings explains the different activities that clubs around Rose hosted in order to celebrate Halloween. The activities included a haunted house, trick-or-treating and trunk-or-treat.
Staff Writer Savannah Jones interviews AP U.S. Gov. Senate candidates Brena Gauland and Will Sutton in this exclusive election preview by the Rampant Lines.
News Co-Editor Eleanor Blount highlights Exceptional Children (EC) teacher and department chair Tonya Ebron, who was recently recognized as 2021 Rose Teacher of the Year.
Staff Writer Carter Taylor reports on new science teachers Lauren Ritchie and Donna Brody, who both recently transferred to Rose from North Pitt High School.
Co-Editor-in-Chief Emma Hastings highlights the women's tennis team's annual fundraiser to remember their past head coach. This event is filled with tennis, snacks, fun and fundraising for breast cancer research.