Rose basketball highlights
Lanier senior spotlight
With the year coming to a close, many members of Rampant Lines are writing their final articles. Senior news co-editor Madison Lanier is among these writers getting ready to finish their high school stories.
Lanier has been taking journalism for five semesters and gained the role of news co-editor during her junior year. Journalism has taught Lanier several life skills that she hopes to use later in life. Certain things like teamwork and collaboration towards a common goal were enforced heavily during her time in journalism.
"It's different from any other class that I've ever taken," Lanier said. "Journalism... it's almost like a job."
The class steps away from the typical lecture-style teaching that most classes at Rose enforce. Instead, students are given the opportunity to learn how to write articles through personal experience and peer collaboration. This unique experience is Lanier’s favorite aspect of the class.
“It’s a work environment where you’re learning how to do something, and then you go out and do it on your own,” Lanier said. "It's a skill that you learn how to do and learn how to perfect.”

The class also enforces the growth of the individual’s writing and grammar skills, which is something that has helped Lanier during the college application process. Because of this, Lanier believes that journalism teacher Ashley Hutchinson has been the most impactful teacher she has had here at Rose.
"She's taught me a lot about writing," Lanier said. "I don't think I'd be half the writer that I am [without her]."
All of this knowledge and experience allows Lanier to write stories through the lens of her interview subjects.
"I like being able to go and interview people and talk to people that you normally wouldn't talk to," Lanier said. "... [They] share some of their stories... that wouldn't be shared otherwise."
One of Lanier’s favorite stories she got to write was her news story on Marvin Jarman, an influential figure in Greenville sports.
"Getting to write an article that details his life and [his legacy] was really cool," Lanier said.
Editing for Rampant Lines has not always been easy for Lanier, especially when it came to designing pages for the first time. Due to attending Christ Covenant, a school that did not have access to Google Chromebooks like other schools in the county, Lanier lacked a lot of experience with computers and other technology commonly used in the journalism workspace. This proved to be a challenge when she became an editor, as navigating the unfamiliar program used to create the pages felt intimidating.
"Once you do it the first time... it's not hard," Lanier said. "You keep perfecting it [and getting better] every time you do it."
Lanier did not figure everything out on her own. She had the help of her former news editor Mary Elizabeth Hutchinson, who acted as a mentor to Lanier during her early years in journalism.
"She was really good with English and grammar and writing," Lanier said. "She [helped] everyone learn how to do things and do them right."
Since becoming a news editor, Lanier has spent her time collaborating with her fellow editors so they can continue leading the news section when she graduates. She has passed on her knowledge of the editing program she once struggled with.
Sophomore news editor Maya Swaggerty is confident that the news section is prepared to step up in Lanier’s absence.
“Maddie did a very good job of preparing us,” Swaggerty said. “Just getting to work alongside her this semester has really prepared us for leading groups and whatever we are going to do in journalism in the future.”
Lanier encourages future journalism students to take their responsibilities seriously and try to branch out as much as possible when it comes to interviewing people and writing a variety of articles.
"I think you learn a lot about your school community and the people in it," Lanier said. "It has allowed me to have a wider view of what's going on... and learn about all that's available at Rose."
Despite this being her last semester in journalism, Lanier is not afraid of experiencing new opportunities in college. Nevertheless, Lanier has made countless memories and connections through journalism that she will hold onto for the rest of her life.
"I'm excited to go to ECU and [see] what the future holds," Lanier said.