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FEATURES PAGE 2 (2021-2022 1st Semester)

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SUN. | 11-28-21 | FEATURES

Features Co-Editor Anna McLean Evans reports on Macie Wright, a former Rampant Lines Features Editor, Rose Class of 2015 alumna, and current manager of It's So Wright here in Greenville.

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SAT. | 11-27-21 | FEATURES

Features Co-Editor Brena Gauland discusses Fashion Club's role in the Rose community and what the club does. She also explains how COVID-19 affected the club last year and made this year more special.

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FRI. | 11-19-21 | FEATURES

Features Staff Writer Katharine Gauland discusses the life of Rose students who suffer from celiac disease, which means they cannot eat gluten. She highlights the day-to-day struggles these students face with their diet and occasionally feeling left out due to dietary requirements.

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THURS. | 11-18-21 | FEATURES

Features Co-Editor Anna McLean Evans discusses former CTE teacher Norman Cabacar's career at Rose as both a teacher and volleyball coach. She also describes his post-retirement plans and what Rose meant to him while he was here.


THURS. | 11-11-21 | FEATURES

Staff Writer Malaysha Hardy explores behind the scenes of Rose theatre through the eyes of junior Josiah Jernigan, who will be starring in the upcoming production of Aladdin. 

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TUES. | 11-09-21 | FEATURES

Staff Writer Malaysha Hardy discusses Rose senior Jacquel Holloway and his busy schedule, which includes work, sports, academics, and his role as an Army reservist.


MON. | 11-08-21 | FEATURES

Staff Writer Darren Powell discusses the work of custodians around Rose and how they deserve more recognition. With the TikTok trend "Devious Lick", their jobs are becoming harder with vandalism around the school.

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SUN. | 11-07-21 | FEATURES

Staff Writer Katharine Gauland explores the day-to-day life of Rose junior Anna Rushing, who navigates her busy schedule with the help of music, singing and theatre.

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SAT. | 11-06-21 | FEATURES

Features Staff Writer Averi Simpson walks through a typical day for Rose senior Brad Garland and how he deals with his busy schedule. His days consist of school, work and practice.

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FRI. | 11-05-21 | FEATURES

Features Co-Editor Kemorah Ullah reports on Rose senior Will Sutton and his new crawl space repair and moisture control business: Sutton Specialty Contractors, LLC.

Disclaimer: All photos in which Rampant Lines members are shown without masks were taken prior to COVID-19.

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