Rose basketball highlights
Issue 1
September 27th, 2019
Rose scrambles for new teacher
TUE. | 12-5-23 | NEWS
Rose has found a new world history teacher after students have been left without a teacher for almost a month.
Patrick Herring, who originally taught at Roanoke High School for 15 years, decided to leave and continue his teaching career here at Rose.
Because students did not have a teacher, students used an online program called Edgenuity. This program is mainly used for credit recovery in the Twilight program, but due to the current teacher shortage, more students have had to use this online learning system in place of having an actual teacher. This style of learning has caused a problem for some students.

Photo by Ma’Kailyn Worsley
“Some students do very well with self-directed learning, but a lot do not because they are on a device and phones come out and they get easily distracted,” Instructional coach Micheal Flinchbaugh said.
Social studies teacher Liza Knight and Flinchbaugh have been helping out the substitute, making sure all the students are staying on task and making sure the substitute has all the resources needed to be successful.
“I hope the students treat him with respect because he is leaving a school he has been at for a while and it is a hard decision to leave when he has been there so long,” Knight said.
Herring started on Nov. 6, where he met all of his students and learned his way around Rose, and he officially began teaching the following day.
Herring heard many great things about Rose from Media Coordinator Olivia Mills. Herring was hoping for a change and to start a new chapter of his life. Herring decided to leave Roanoke for many reasons; one of these being his daily commute to Roanoke. Herring, who has lived in Greenville his whole life, had to travel forty-five minutes to and from the school.
“It was a hard decision to leave since I have been there so long and had so many memories,” Herring said.
Herring is loving teaching here at Rose and he is very glad he decided to make the change from Roanoke to Rose. He plans on coaching a sport at Rose but just wants to get his feet wet here at Rose before looking into coaching.
“I have really enjoyed how welcoming the teachers and students have been here at Rose and hope to make a lot more memories here at Rose,” Herring said.